Tag Archives: event planning

Hosting minors at an on-campus event?

MIT student organizations do some pretty unique and great things around the campus and the community, and the SAO is proud to assist in any way possible to ensure your events are a success.  There are lots of opportunities to get involved with the Boston education community, and the SAO has a few updates regarding sponsoring events that will bring minors on campus.

This little kid is excited to attend your event at MIT.

As you start planning your on-campus event where you will host minors, part of your event registration process should include contacting Alana Hamlett in the Student Activities Office.  Alana is available to sit down with you and your organization representatives to help flesh out the details of your event and the logistics of hosting minors on campus on behalf of MIT.  There will be a few forms to fill out and bring to this meeting, which Alana will attach to an email when you set up the meeting.  These will ask you for information regarding the schedule and plans for your event, as well as more detailed information about the youth you are bringing on campus.

Why do you need to do this extra step?  With recent issues surrounding minors visiting college campuses, MIT and the SAO wants to be sure that not only are the youth who visit our campus are protected and are able to have a good time, but that you as MIT representatives are also protected and are able to provide an enjoyable time on campus for these groups.  By chatting with Alana and filling out the appropriate forms, we can help ensure that MIT is providing all of the necessary resources for your organization, event, and visitors.

As you prepare and plan your event, please make sure you give Alana at least 3 weeks prior to your event to meet with you regarding these issues and policies to ensure a smooth process and successful event.


Happy Planning!

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